Managing Security and Medical Needs on Productions Worldwide
To make decisions about the content and budget of a production, information about logistics, safety and security, medical support and production infrastructure in-country is needed. GPS provides all production-related information, including risk assessments, for your convenience - in any country around the world. Our extensive experience in film and TV production makes GPS the leader in production security.
The unified management of staff of security, safety, and emergency medical service (EMS) personnel affords an integrated, high-quality, rapid response alarm and rescue chain, and therefore, provides the best treatment for patients. This coordination significantly lowers the risk of any subsequent safety and security hazards and provides a stable work environment for the entire staff. It also increases production efficiency and lowers production costs by utilizing U.S. standards while not allowing exclusion of policies with insurers, as well as protecting manpower on the ground.
Our extensive experience in security management will provide additional value since virtually any security, disaster, or medical-related task requested by production can be supported by the GPS team. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to, communication, tactical, and psychological support in any security situation or other emergency. We maintain an extensive network of reliable liaisons with diplomatic services, federal law enforcement and security forces in more than 80 countries.
GPS is leading the way in production security management and has received an
Honorary Emmy Award for security management.
All operators are certified safety officers (fire, medic, rigging, etc.)
Medical doctors, EMTs, nurses and paramedics available for productions worldwide
Complete medical care in every country, complying with U.S. standards
Production travel safety, security and logistics
GPS Alliance Network in more than 80 countries
Connections to diplomatic missions around the globe